Trudeau announces second set of sanctions against Russia after their attack on Ukraine.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says more sanctions have been placed on Russia.
Trudeau says during a G7 meeting today, leaders agreed that Russia will be punished for its actions.
"Russia’s actions stand in direct opposition to the democratic principles that generations of Canadians have fought to protect," Trudeau notes. "Democracies, and democratic leaders everywhere, must come together to defend these principles and stand firmly against authoritarianism."
The tougher sanctions will target 58 people and entities connected to Russian elite and their family members, as well as the Wagner Group and major Russian banks.
Sanctions are also being imposed on members of the Russian Security Council, including the ministers of defense, justice and finance.
Meanwhile, the Canadian government has also arranged for safe transportation for Canadian and permanent resident families at the Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova land borders.