The City says it's for a new task force and advisory committee
The City of St. Catharines is looking for civic minded residents.
The City is looking for applicants for an advisory committee for the Ontario Street Corridor Secondary Plan.
The committee will analyze the plan and help with land use concepts and implementation.
The City is looking for a couple of landowners from the Ontario Street north corridors, one to two representatives from the Ontario Street south corridors, and three to four residents of the area bounded by Twelve Mile Creek, the QEW, Geneva Street and Welland Avenue, including one representative from each of the Haig and Fitzgerald Neighbourhood Associations.
As well, applications are open for the Citizen Task Force to Review Council Remuneration for Council Boards, Agencies and Commissions.
The task force, which will have up to five members, will meet once a month to review compensation paid to the mayor and councilors, as well as boards, agencies and commissions to which the mayor or councilors may be appointed.
The task force will have up to five members, and the City is looking for people with backgrounds in organized labour, education, business, and the non-profit sector.
Applications will be accepted here until June 21st.