City of Niagara Falls responding to complaints of different construction sites
Some tougher rules are coming for construction sites in Niagara Falls, now that a fencing by-law has been passed.
Variations allow for different types of fencing around sites, depending on location.
The city's chief building official Luciano Chieca explains the need for this, retroactive to 2019. "There's a couple of sites that aren't complete at the moment, so we backed it up to those permit dates... specifically Stanley and Ferry, and the Chippewa site."
The by-law includes the option of adding murals to fencing such as plywood.
Councillor Victor Pietrangelo says amendments can be made to the by-law. "So that we can poke at different areas, and say if you're going to build in this area, and put fencing up, then we want it to look a certain way, and beautify the area, instead of having plain plywood."
Anyone who wants decorate a fence, such as with a mural, must apply to the city.