You won’t be able to visit the Morningstar Mill in St. Catharines this weekend.
The city has decided to close the mill until further notice due to concerns about large crowds of people.
Hundreds of people have been visiting the area over the past month and the city says lots of them have not been keeping their distance from others.
The fire department has been called to the area five times over the past few weeks to rescue distressed or injured hikers.
The city has also been dealing with reports of illegal parking in the area.
The parking lot and the gates will be barricaded for the time being and security guards will be on site.
CAO David Oakes says this all about protecting public health and safety
“As we move forward with reopening facilities and spaces one of our guiding requirements will be continued protection of the public and mitigation of COVID-19 transmission. We understand many enjoyed this space and we are working to address the concerns, so we can reopen Morningstar Mill for everyone to safely enjoy.”