Most of the work has been done in applying to World Health Organization, along with wise quotes
The World Health Organization can expect an application from the City of Niagara Falls to declare it an Age Friendly city.
Joe Szabo is with the Seniors' Advisory Committee, and says most of the work has been done, the mayor just needs to fill out the form.
He adds the city has done well, including work at the MacBain Centre and pickleball courts. "I think if more people could do the physical activities, that is one of the things that keep older people going."
Councillor Mike Strange added they're working to accommodate seniors more, since more are coming to Niagara.
"Talking about a pool that we're closing now... what do we do now? We want to make something so the kids can enjoy like a splash pad. But, we want to make something the great grandparents, grandparents and parents can enjoy, such as a picnic table, and shade."
He added seniors are some of the wisest people around.
Mayor Jim Diodati recalled some wise quotes, this one said during the council meeting... 'young people don't know what it's like to be older, but older people know what it's like to be younger', and, this one from years ago... 'it's better to wear out than rust out'.