Council voted to keep pushing the Ontario government for more help, endorsing a letter by Ontario Medical Association
Unanimous support at Niagara Falls city council in pushing the provincial government for help in recruiting doctors and increased health care funding.
It endorsed a letter by the Ontario Medical Association and Association of Municipalities on Ontario.
The city's Chief Administrative Officer Jason Burgess gave a rundown of doctors recruited since 2023. "We recruited 6 doctors, total physician recruitment funding was $310,000. Year to date, in 2024, we've recruited 2 doctors, total cost was $105,000."
Councillor Ruth Ann Nieuwesteeg says everyone talks of not having a family doctor.
Burgess added "We are not near the top, in need, compared to other Niagara regional communities. We were doing a better job at either retaining, or attracting doctors, or having not as many retire."
City staff will be providing further updates on doctor recruitment at future meetings.