MPP Jeff Burch is asking the province to help keep a severely disabled resident with the body of a six year old in a children's hospital
Niagara Centre MP Jeff Burch is asking the province to help a disabled resident.
He's written a letter to Health Minister Sylvia Jones, on behalf of the family of Keisha Embrey.
The 18 year old has several disabilities that require complex care that can only be received at a children's hospital.
Burch says she turned 18 in April, but has the body of a six year old.
Since leaving McMaster's Children's Hospital, she has been transferred between hospitals in Hamilton and Niagara.
Burch is asking the province to step in and help her be readmitted to McMaster.
"There are specific children's hospitals for a reason, the criteria and medical processes are completely different than an adult hospital, including medication doses received. Other parents are facing the same dilemma. A child is in pediatric care, and the next day they are not, all due to age, not health needs. I am urging you Minister Jones to please for the sake of this child, since that is what she is in terms of size, please allow her to be readmitted to McMaster Children's Hospital."