Voter information notices or cards to be sent out in the mail.
The Niagara Region is reminding you to make sure you're on the Voter's List for the upcoming municipal election.
Registered voters will received information notices or cards in the mail soon, telling them when and where to vote.
Other information such as advanced polling dates and locations will be included for most municipalities as well, though this may not apply to municipalities that will vote by mail.
Voters are advised to keep their notice or card handy so that they can easily find out where to vote on Election Day.
The Niagara Region recommends bringing your notice or card to the ballot box, along with a piece of identification.
You can contact your local municipal Clerk's office to make sure you're on the voters' list.
The municipal election will take place on October 24th.
More information on voting in Niagara can be found here.