Provincial Water Contest found sample from Niagara Falls was the best
If you think our tap water in Niagara tastes pretty good, you're not alone.
The Niagara Region has won the best tasting tap water at a provincial water conference.
The Region entered the taste test competition at the Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) Conference, with a sample from the Niagara Falls Water Treatment Plant in hopes of bringing home gold.
And sure enough, conference delegates selected Niagara Region’s sample as best tasting tap water!
The OWWA conference took place in early May in Niagara Falls.
The Taste Test competition allowed the more than 1,000 attendees from across Ontario to sample drinking water from varying utilities across Ontario who entered the competition and cast their vote.
Niagara Region will now be competing at the American Water Works Association Best of the Best Taste Test in San Antonio, Texas at the ACE Conference in mid-June.