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NRP Hoping to Buy More Vehicles, Equipment

The plan is to spend up to $6.8-million next year, police services board approves budget

Niagara regional police is looking to spend $2.2-million next year on new vehicles.

The police services board approved the budget for next year at yesterday's meeting, spending almost $6.8-million on capital projects including replacing equipment.

The Niagara Region still has to approve the budget.

Board member Pat Chiocchio asked if they're catching up to replacing vehicles, as this comes up every year.

Chief Bill Fordy acknowledged that observation.  "What we try to do is stagger our vehicles, so we're not buying $10-million in one year, and then they're all reaching the end of life at the same time.  We will always have vehicles that are nearing end of life, and we try to engage in a procurement strategy that is equitable year after year after year."

The Chief added vehicles are used in harsh conditions, yet need to remain reliable.

The plan is to buy five new cruisers, as well as spend $1.2-million on radio equipment, and more money on other equipment.

Board Chair Jen Lawson noted costs go up over time.  "Some people may be looking and saying 'Why is the vehicle $100,000?'  Obviously when you purchase a vehicle, the vehicle has a cost, then there's the outfitting of the vehicle itself, with all of the radios, the decals that have to go on, all of the other equipment."

Much of the money is from reserves, to which board member Bill Steele said they're not just throwing $6.7-million at the taxpayer.

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