Pelham Reviewing Governance and Electoral System

Mayor Junkin happy with current system overall, would change boundaries

The time has come for the Town of Pelham to review its electoral boundaries and governance.

Mayor Marvin Junkin tells us for the most part he's happy with Mayor, Deputy mayor, and ward councillors.

The only thing he'd change is the boundaries of the wards.  "Most municipalities in the region, especially southern Ontario, are going through huge growth.  Not all boundaries are increasing in population at the same time."

There was a public meeting on this last night, and another one planned for the 27th, at the Meridian Centre.

Pelham goes through a government review every 10 to 12 years.

The mayor would not do the At-Large system, in which all councillors represent everywhere.  "The bad is if we had all of our councillors elected from, say, the old ward one and two, then we wouldn't get any rural representation from any of the people in the western part of the town." 

The town hired a consultant to do the review.

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