Regional Councillor Rob Foster says things can't keep going on as they are, Lincoln mayor says it's scary
Some very tough decisions in the coming years for the Niagara region, and its municipalities, concerning the property tax system.
Following the recent 9.6% increase for next year's regional budget, Councillor Rob Foster says for the year after it'll be 10%, and 8.5% after that.
He told Lincoln town council it's so bad, calling it 'unsustainable', that they're working on the 2026 budget in January. "We're going to be building on top of the KPMG report, that we had a few years ago, which by the way suggested we do away with incentive programs. Also, do away with childcare... the KPMG report says the region should not be in the childcare business."
He added funding development like the Port Colborne battery plant is costly.
Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton was blunt with his assessments.
"To remove childcare scares the living daylights out of me. We already have a 2-tiered system, I can't imagine what parents would do who can't afford child care. It probably means that someone else isn't going to work in the household."
Starting work on the 2026 budget in January is unusual, work typically starts in the summer.